Publications in peer-reviewed journals (indicatively, last 5 years):
Chatzistamoulou, N., Kounetas, K., & Tsekouras, K. (2024). Knowledge flows in Data Envelopment Analysis. The role of peer effects. Omega, 103137.
Chatzistamoulou, N., & Koundouri, P. (2024). Is Green Transition in Europe Fostered by Energy and Environmental Efficiency Feedback Loops? The Role of Eco-Innovation, Renewable Energy and Green Taxation. Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-28.
Angelakis, A. and Manioudis, M. (2024), “The historical evolution of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Greece: The exploration of growth policies aiming to accelerate innovation-based economic transformation and knowledge economy ”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Politis, I., Aranitou, V., Simos, G. Georgiadis, G., Nikolaidou, N., Sdoukopoulos, A., Manioudis, M., Panagiotopoulou, M. and Zikopoulou, O. (2024), “A smart KPI system for reinforcing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans under pandemic Crises: A smart KPI system for reinforcing SUMPs under pandemic”, Transportation Engineering
Rigas, N., & Kounetas, K. E. (2024). The impact of CO2 emissions and climate on economic growth and productivity: International evidence. Review of Development Economics, 28(2), 719-740.
Dimakopoulou, A. G., Gkypali, A., & Tsekouras, K. (2024). Technological and non-technological innovation synergies under the lens of absorptive capacity efficiency. Journal of Business Research, 176, 114593.
Napolitano, O., Foresti, P., Kounetas, K., & Spagnolo, N. (2023). The impact of energy, renewable and CO2 emissions efficiency on countries’ productivity. Energy Economics, 125, 106795.
Meramveliotakis, G. and Manioudis, M. (2023), “Default Nudge and Street Lightning Conservation: Towards a Policy Proposal for the Current Energy Crisis”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 15: 9288-9237
Chatzistamoulou, N., & Kounetas, K. (2023). Tracing green growth through industrial resource efficiency patterns: The role of competitiveness and clean technologies. Managerial and Decision Economics, 44(7), 4011–4026. DOI
Chatzistamoulou, N. (2023). Is digital transformation the Deus ex Machina towards sustainability transition of the European SMEs?. Ecological Economics, 206, 107739. DOI
Dimakopoulou, A.G., Chatzistamoulou, N., Kounetas, K., & Tsekouras, K. (2023). Environmental innovation and R&D collaborations: Firm decisions in the innovation efficiency context. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-30. DOI
Chatzistamoulou, N., & Tyllianakis, E. (2022b). Commitment of European SMEs to resource efficiency actions to achieve sustainability transition. A feasible reality or an elusive goal?. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 321, 115937. DOI.
Chatzistamoulou, N., & Tyllianakis, E. (2022a). Green growth & sustainability transition through information. Are the greener better informed? Evidence from European SMEs. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 306, 114457, DOI.
- The policy aspects and related implications of the above paper have been published in Science for Environment Policy, a news service published by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV). The article “Factors promoting green growth include access to information on funding opportunities“, based on the above paper, is freely available by the DG for Environment!
Stergiou, E., & Kounetas, K. (2022). Heterogeneity, spillovers and eco-efficiency of European industries under different pollutants’ scenarios. Is there a definite direction?. Ecological Economics, 195, 107377.
Manioudis, M. and Meramveliotakis, G., (2022), “Broad Strokes towards a Grand Theory in the Analysis of Sustainable Development: A Return to the Classical Political Economy”, New Political Economy, 27 (5): 866-878
Chatzistamoulou, N., Kounetas, K., & Tsekouras, K. (2022). Technological hierarchies and learning: spillovers, complexity, relatedness, and the moderating role of absorptive capacity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 183, 121925.
- Received the Best Paper Award 2022 as an acknowledgement of the excellence of research conducted over the period 2017-2022 at the University of Patras. Awarded by the University of Patras.
Burger, M. J., Kounetas, K., Napolitano, O., & Stavropoulos, S. (2022). Do innovation and human capital actually narrow the technology gap? Champions and laggards of European regional productive performance. Regional Studies, 56(10), 1655-1670.
Manioudis, M. (2021), “An early anticipation of Smart Growth? John Stuart Mill, knowledge and the ‘East-West’ Distinction”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 13: 2164-2176
Koundouri, P., Chatzistamoulou, N., Davila, G., Giannouli, A., Kourogenis, N., Xepapadeas, A., & Xepapadeas, P. (2021). Open Access in Scientific Information: Sustainability Model and Business Plan for the Infrastructure and Organization of OpenAIRE. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 12(1), 170-198. DOI
- Received the “Journal’s Best Applied Paper for 2021” Award by the Journal’s Award Selection Committee and the Board of Directors of the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis.
Chatzistamoulou, N., Kounetas, K., & Tsekouras, K. (2019). Energy Efficiency, Productive Performance and Heterogeneous Competitiveness Regimes. Does the Dichotomy Matter?. Energy Economics, 81, 687-697.
Gkypali, A., Kounetas, K., & Tsekouras, K. (2019). European countries’ competitiveness and productive performance evolution: unraveling the complexity in a heterogeneity context. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 29, 665-695.
Chapters in peer-reviewed collective volumes:
Chatzistamoulou, N. & Koundouri Ph. (2024). 51: Monitoring Sustainability through the Lens of Water Productivity, Resource Productivity and Eco-Innovation in the EU-28}. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management, 224-229, Field: Economics of Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. DOI.
Chatzistamoulou, N. & Kounetas K. (2022). Is monitoring progress towards sustainability straightforward? Evidence from the EU-28. Chapter 2, pp. 28-61 In “The Road to a Smart and Sustainable European Union“. Published by the European Liberal Forum – EUPF & Zavod 14.
- The chapter’s policy implications and key messages can be found at page 3 of the published Policy brief.
Chatzistamoulou, N., & Koundouri P. (2022). Sustainability Transition through Awareness to Promote Environmental Efficiency Advances in Econometrics, Operational Research, Data Science and Actuarial Studies – Techniques and Theories, 345. Series: Contributions to Economics. DOI: Springer International Publishing.
Chatzistamoulou N., & Koundouri P. (2020). SDGs Patterns Across The Globe: From Theory to Practice. Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.
Chatzistamoulou, N., & Koundouri, P. (2020). 1 The Economics for Sustainable Development. In Designing an Innovative Pedagogy for Sustainable Development in Higher Education. (pp. 1-15). CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group.
Manioudis, M. and Meramveliotakis, G. (2024) (ed.), Sustainable Economic Development: Political Economy & Economics Pluralism, Routledge, London and New York.
Kounetas, K. & Chatzistamoulou, N. (2023). Energy Economics, Climate Change & Sustainable Development. [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Kounetas, Kostas & Chatzistamoulou, Nikos. Applied Operations Research and Linear Programming. Solutions using R. Applications in Economics and Management Science. Kritiki Publishing, 2020.
Bouranta N., Tsampra M., Sklavos G. (2019) Digital practices of Greek small entrepreneurship: social media and self-employment. In: Sykianakis N., Polychronidou P., Karasavvoglou A. (eds) Economic and Financial Challenges for Eastern Europe. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer.
Kounetas, K. & Chatzistamoulou, N. (2015). Introduction to Operations Research and Linear Programming; Applications using R. [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.