GREAT: Green Growth and Energy Efficiency for All Tiers of Performance: Decision Making and Policy Implications to Chart Energy Transition”, School of Economics & Business Administration, Department of Economics, University of Patras, Greece. Funded by: MEDIKUS Program, University of Patras. 2023 – present.

BEGIN: Boosting Efficiency and Green Growth through induced innovation under Technological Heterogeneity. An Elusive Goal or a Feasible Reality?” School of Economics & Business Administration, Department of Economics, University of Patras, Greece. Funded by: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, 2021-2024 Completed.

Reinventing Sump Cycle Under Pandemic Era ”University of Crete, University of Macedonia and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation ΕΛΙΔΕΚ 2022-2023 Completed.

SPILEF: From Whom and to Whom: Knowledge Spillovers related to the Efficiency of Business Innovation and Learning Process within High Growth Firms and Technology Heterogeneity”, School of Economics & Business Administration, Department of Economics, University of Patras, Greece. Funded by: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation,  2020-2023 Completed.

Project title: S.I.M.P.L.E. Social Impact Measurement Plan, Learning and Empowerment (2020-1-IT01-KA202-008523) Erasmus+, Main objective of the project: Innovation, Project Coordinator: ISRE (Istituto Ricerca Educativa), Venezia Mestre –Veneto, Italia, Partner of PANTEION University, Athens, 2020-2023 Completed.

On the dynamics of economic, energy and environmental productive performance of European Industries/Countries. The endogenous role of institutions, competitiveness, R&D (RDE) and pollution abatement expenditures (PACE)”, K. Karatheodori Research Award: three- year research project financed by the University of Patras, 2016-2019 Completed.

Participatory Action Research to address Un/Under employment at the local level (EEA-GR07/3694) –  WP2: Local production structures, Entrepreneurship and Labour Surplus. GRST., Φορέας: ΓΓΕΤ Πρόγραμμα Διαφορετικότητα, Ανισότητες και Κοινωνική Ενσωμάτωση – Ακαδημαϊκή Έρευνα στους τομείς προτεραιότητας ΧΜ ΕΟΧ 2009-2014, 2015-2017 Completed.

EERNV: Energy Efficiency of Road Networks and Vehicles: Measurement, Pricing, Regional and Environmental Effects”, School of Economics & Business Administration, Department of Economics, University of Patras, Greece. Funded by the “Thalis” Research Framework, 2012-2015 Completed.